Friday, December 15, 2006

7 Rules of Excellence for HR Managers - By: Anil Kaushik, Cheif Editor - Business Manager

In today’s competitive business environment where people management has come on priority, excellence in discharging HR functions is on high demand from HR managers. There can not be any magic stick by which any HR manager can be transformed into an excellent one. It is only by proactive mindset and parctice, HR manager can bring excellence in him. No one is born with the excellence value. Practically it is developed slowly by passage of time.

It is not necessary that only a highly qualified manager from a premier management school brings with him the guarntee of excellence. I have witnessed many persons with average upbringing, educational and social back ground proving themselves to be an excellent HR managers. What is required is the quest of learning and attitude of taking ownership of the problems in the organization by the person.

The following are the rules of excellence for HR managers :

1. Become leader not a manager.
The basic skills of excellence in HR require a manager to build people, bind people together with hearts minds and souls and for this he has to become a leader and not a mere manager. Every organisation that has maintained its excellent over the period of time has been able to do so because it had a leader and not a manager who was able to transform the culture of excellence. While a manager does things right, as a leader HR manager should always do right things. While a manager may be efficient to move in a right direction to achieve excellence, as a HR manager you should have a vision to choose that direction. While manager may use the authority to discharge his functions, as a leader you should use your power derived from employees respect. HR manager has to develop the capability of working well without loosing balance in times of crisis.

2. Be careful, honest and sincere while selecting a person.
Engage right person at the right job. Don’t try to fit a square in a hole. Discourage favouritism in recuritment. Don’t compromise with the quality and requirement of the job. Always prefer attitude in a person. Engage for attitude and train for skills. It is the attitude of the person which makes a difference while performing his job. Problem starts from this point.

3. Don’t make induction a ritual.
Most of the HR managers do this exercise as a ritual and leave it on subordinates which ultimately turns out to be a utter failure in achiveing purpose of this exercise. This is high time for HR manager to mould new employee and tune him with the organisational culture. Most of the new employees leaving organisation in a short tenure reveal the startling fact of their poor/negative induction at the time of joining making their prime cause demotivation.

4. Make the employee clear what is expected from him.
It is for the HR manager to ensure that employees working in the organisation are well aware of what the organisation expects from them. In one of the reputed organisation when I was called as an expert to diagnose the problem in people management, after observing the work culture I commented, ‘In your organisation everbody is doing every body’s job and no body knows what he is doing’. HR Manager has to be cautious about this silent killer of the organisation culture.

5. Be firm and fair.
HR manager has to practice this policy down the line all the time. While dealing employee relations he has to exhibit and display his firmness and fairness even in sensitive situations to command respect from all corners. He has to champion the cause of employees and employer too.

6. Confront Problems.
HR manager who escape from tricky situations and problmes can not excel in discharging his functions. He has to confront the problems as they arise and diseminate them. Always remember that avoiding problems and keeping the dust under the corpet will not pave the way of excellence. In any organisation where HR people pass the buck and shift the burden of problems like shuttle cock are bound to face more complex situations which may explode in a more agressive way causing irreparable losses to organisation culture.

7. Apply the principle of 20-80.
As a HR professional it is not necessary all the time to use your technical knowledge for achieving excellence but what is required is skill of dealing with people and this ratio is known as 20-80. 80% is of your people handling skills in all situations with common sense management of human dignity and 20% is of your technical knowledge. If your reverse this ratio, you may never achieve excellence.

Contact Mr. Anil Kaushik at Smriti Sadan, 28-Raghu Marg, Alwar –301001 (Raj) India
Mob. : 09829133699

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Trick your mind into creating wealth..$$$

1. Show gratitude for any money which enters your life.
In order to attract money into your life, you must show gratitude for the money which is already in your life. Instead of bemoaning how little money you have, bask in gratitude at the many ways in which you are rich already.

For example, if you earn more than Rs. 10 lacs per year, you have more wealth than 85 per cent of the people on earth. And if you earn over Rs. 25 lacs a year you are in the top 10 per cent of wealthy people on this planet. When you focus on what you have rather than what you want, you realize that you ARE already rich. Give thanks often for all the riches in your life.

How to use this principle today:
The next time money enters your life, from any source whatsoever, instead of barely noticing what has happened and mentally beginning to spend it, use a few moments of time to give thanks to the universe for bringing this money into your life. Every time you receive a paycheck, every time someone gives you money for any reason, every time you find money, or get a great deal, or save money in some way, stop and appreciate the fact that money is flowing into your life. Doing this every time money comes to you will attract more and more money into your life.

2. Act as if you are rich.
This is the fundamental truth of all mind power work, that you must act as if what you want is already yours. So act as if you already have the money you wish to have. Ask yourself, if I was already rich, what would I do, how would I act, how would I feel, and then do, act, and feel in those ways. Of course, you don’t need to quit your job and move to other part of world like you would if you suddenly won the lottery, but you start small and with each success you build your way to greater and greater wealth. Eat a little bit better, dress a little bit nicer, go on slightly higher-end vacations, take a cab instead of the bus now and then, take that course you can’t afford, or do anything at all that you wish to do but believe you can’t because of a lack of money. And when you do these things, bask in joy at your inner state of wealth, and know that this state will be reflected in your outer world. You’ll be amazed at how life provides for the things which bring you joy.

How to use this principle today:
The next time you are about to buy something, anything at all, purchase an item that is of slightly higher quality and price than you would usually buy. Even if something only costs a few dollars more than what is usual for you to spend, buy that item and thank the universe for providing for your new expanding lifestyle. Even though it is a tiny step, you are beginning to teach your mind that you are expanding your limitations, and as you practice this you will begin to purchase more of the things you want in your life and the money will come to you to pay for them.

3. Be open to money-making opportunities.
One thing that all self-made millionaires agree on is that there are opportunities everywhere, if we are just open to seeing them. You can prove this for yourself by looking at your own life. There are probably many times in your past which you think back to and wonder what might have happened if you had taken an opportunity at just the right time.

Whether it’s obvious things like career opportunities you let slip by, investment opportunities you didn’t belive in, or less obvious opportunities like an idea you once had that is now making someone else rich, or an industry you could have joined before it became saturated. If you are like most people, when you think of your past opportunities, you believe that you once had a chance but that opportunity is now gone. The difference between rich and poor people is that rich people realize that new opportunities are always all around us, all the time. You simply need to keep a look out for the opportunities, keep and open mind, and be prepared to take advantage when the opportunity arrives.

I’m sure you’ve heard the old adage that luck occurs when opportunity meets preparation. Well, it couldn’t be more true. If you expect to find money-making opportunities in your life, and you prepare to take advantage of them when they come, you will be blessed with more incredible luck than you have ever experienced.

How to use this principle today:
Get out a little notebook and write down all the money-making ideas you can think of. It doesn’t matter how stupid or outrageous the idea might seem, but write it down anyway. This does two things. First, you realize that there are plenty of money-making opportunities around you right now, as there always have been and always will be.

Secondly, this exercise will stimulate you mind to see money-making opportunities where it might have ignored them in the past, and will help you practice to see opportunities in the future. If you keep adding ideas to your notebook consistently, one day you will see an incredibly opportunity on your list which is perfect for you. Then go for it!

4. Do something that makes you feel good
This has got to be the easiest money-making advice I could ever give. Do something that makes you feel good. When you feel good, your energy rises, and when your energy rises, it attracts more of the things into your life which make you feel good. Could life be any easier? Not really, but we are so caught up in the backwards thinking of everyone around us that we miss the obvious flow of energy. All you really need to attract more of the good things in your life, including more money, is to generate positive energy into the world. The states of happiness and joy literally rearrange the atoms of your world to bring you more happiness and joy. Of course, the reverse is true as well.

So avoid fear, anger, depression, and spend your time feeling good about yourself and your life. If this is difficult for you, just practice. Begin with some small thing which brings you happiness. It could be as simple as watching a sunset, renting your favorite movie of all time, taking someone you love out for dessert, or anything at all. The secret is to do these things whole-heartedly, with all your attention focussed on the happiness vibrating from your soul out into the world. This simple act will bring you rich rewards.

How to use this principle today:
Don’t just read this article and think, that sounds good, and then go back to your life. Pick something to do which will bring you happiness and do it today. It doesn’t matter what it is or how small it seems. In fact, you don’t have to do anything at all. All that is important is feeling the positive emotions of happiness and joy emanating from your soul. One simple way to generate positive emotion is to feel gratitude for something in your life. Just pick something in your life for which you are very grateful, and vibrate your gratitude towards it.

That should get you started. Five extremely simple actions you can take to begin to expand the prosperity you experience in your life. But don’t stop there. Never let fear or doubt enter your mind. There is nothing you need to succeed except the power of your own mind. If you worry that you are not smart enough, not connected enough, not talented enough, not young enough or not old enough, you are simply creating limiting beliefs which will manifest in the outside world. All you really need to know is that the outside world is a reflection of the state of your inner mind. Know that you can make every day from this day forward a little more joyful and a little more abundant and you watch your life begin to change.

It’s an easy and gentle process, much like letting a plant grow. One day you will suddenly realize that all of your good thoughts have grown into the beautiful fruits of a happy and successful life. This short article will point you in the right direction. But don’t stop here.

Learn how to program your mind for wealth at

Feeling Invisible..!!? How to ask for what you want..!!?

“I feel invisible! My kids don’t listen to me, my husband doesn’t listen to me. I’ve told my boss a dozen times about that vendor problem, but still it’s the same thing.”

Sound familiar? As we talked, “Mary” realized that she was feeling invisible because all she was doing was complaining. She hadn’t asked a single person to take an action, or proposed a single solution.

Yelling, complaining, and whining have no constructive purpose. Rarely do they accomplish what you want. And if they do, it’s only in the short run, not real change. So you get stuck in a cycle of yelling, complaining, whining.

There is a better way. Successful, effective communication has concrete behaviors that you can incorporate into your interactions with your spouse, kids, parents, teachers, bosses, hair dressers — anyone!

First, and perhaps the most important of all, successful communication begins with and requires that you get the other person’s full attention. Complaining to your teenager that she needs to rethink the way she’s spending her money while she’s got a rented movie and friends in the other room is guaranteed to be ignored. Yelling at an employee to redo a report as you rush out to a meeting is almost always going to generate hurt feelings.

I know it’s not always easy to find time to talk one-on-one without interruptions, but as the old saying goes, if you don’t have time to do it right the first time, you sure won’t have time to do it again. Make the effort, choose a quiet time - and enough time so that you don’t feel obliged to rush through the conversation - and you’ll only have to have the conversation once. And I’ll bet you’ve also noticed that when you complain and whine, somehow it tends to quickly morph into a black hole and encompass everything you’ve ever thought about that person. The polar opposite of that - actually asking for what you need or want - involves focusing on one thing at a time.

Take some time to think through exactly what you’d like corrected, then stick to it; avoid dragging in other unrelated situations. Instead of telling your teenager that you’re getting weary of her bad attitude lately, indicate an exact time when she created a fuss over something simple or usual. “Nothing has changed since you’re in high school, Suzie, I still expect you to allow time to make up your bed in the morning without excuses or a fuss.” With an employee, instead of saying “Chuck, you never follow-up on anything”, try “Chuck, I want you to work closely with XYZ Vendor until you can get me an exact delivery date on that equipment”.

Successfully asking for what you want without complaining or whining also focuses on things the individual can do something about. Asking or for something that is out of the individual’s control is not useful. It only increases a person’s frustration to be criticized for something they can’t do anything about. Reprimanding your teenager for spending too much time on homework is unfair since she can’t control her teachers’ requests. Expecting your associate to write a business letter the same way you would is impossible since he can’t read your mind.

As earlier examples have illustrated, asking instead of complaining provides someone with a solution, not just hurt feelings. By being willing to give them the support and tools needed to correct the situation, you are much more likely to get the results that you want. Discuss the options, or explain the rules and clearly define the consequences.

After all, the objective of asking instead of complaining is to get you what you want at that particular moment, but also to ultimately help the person grow and not repeat the behavior. In
order to do that, he’ll need to see it as an opportunity to learn, instead of a threat or a meaningless argument. By offering specific examples, you will be able to relate how changing his behavior will help him achieve his goal — and yours as well.

Decide what you want, then ask for it. The rewards will be evident on both sides of the relationship.

20 Small Business Tips, For Success

These are just some general tips to keep in mind as you design/operate your small business:

1. Take the time out to explore and understand whether or not you are compatible with running our own business. Some people are just plain happier and better off financially on the other end of the paycheck.

2.Get your personal finances in order. Before you jump into the entrepreneurship world, get your own money matters squared away.

3. Pick your niche. Many small business owners succeed in businesses that are hardly unique or innovative. Take stock of your skills, interests, and employment history to select the business that is best suited for you.

4. Benefit from your business plan. The exercise of creating a business plan is what pays the dividends. Answer the tough questions now before the meter starts running.

5. Do not think you need bankers and investors at the outset of your business. The vast majority of small businesses are bootstrapped.

6. Acquire the proper background. In the early months and years of your business, you will have to acquire many skills. Gain the background you need to oversee all facets of your business well, but determine what tasks you should outsource or hire employees.

7. Remember that nothing happens until a sale is made – How many good products go nowhere because they do not reach the shelves? Sales drive your business. You will need a good marketing plan to sell your product or service.

8. You have to see a customer to know one. N o matter how busy you are, spend at least 25% of your time with customers. You cannot make the proper business decision without understanding their viewpoint.

9. Solve your customers’ problems. The best way to satisfy your customers is not by selling them products but by giving solutions to their problems. There is a big difference.

10.Quality takes minutes to lose but years to regain. Quality is not a destination, it is a never ending journey. After you have strayed from quality’s path, your journey maybe sidetracked forever.

11. Put profitability first, rewards seconds. In small businesses, profitability must come first. Find out how to measure your cash flow and understand key financial ratios.

12. Hire supporters. If you intend to create a growing business, your number one duty is to assemble a great team of employees.

13. Do not do it alone. Find such help from small business peers, a mentor, even trade associations. They can help take some of the trial and error of beginning your business.

14. Vendors are partners too! Treat your vendors like customers and watch your partnership grow.

15. Make use of benefits. Understand how to provide insurance and other benefits for your employees and cut your tax bill at the same time.

16. Ignore regulatory issues at your peril. Federal, state, and local governments require licenses, registrations, and permits. Obey them or face losing your business.

17. Know the tax laws. Invest in understanding tax issues that affect your small business.

18. It’s the people! Whatever happens to a small business happens at the hands of the people who work for it. The evolution of the business is a result of their efforts.

19. Fast, good, cheap. Pick any two. Serious trouble awaits those who attempt to be all three in the market place. Stick with what you do best.

20. Develop a passion for learning. As your business grows, you need to change and grow along with it. One common denominator can be found in all successful business owners and that is a passion for learning.
For more great business, marketing and mind power ideas to develope your business visit the Higher-Profits Blog at

7 Power Skills that Build Strong Relationships !!! - :By Lucy Doss

A strong, healthy relationship is one in which the partners show respect and kindness toward each other. The relationship forms a rewarding and enduring bond of trust and support. Here are seven power skills by Steve Brunkhorst that will help you form stronger alliances and bring more closeness, authenticity and trust to your relationships.

1. Relax Optimistically

If you are comfortable around others, they will feel comfortable around you. If you appear nervous, others will sense it and withdraw. If you are meeting someone for the first time, brighten up as if you've rediscovered a long-lost friend. A smile will always be the most powerful builder of rapport. Communicating with relaxed optimism, energy and enthusiasm will provide a strong foundation for lasting relationships.

2. Listen Deeply

Powerful listening goes beyond hearing words and messages; it connects us emotionally with our communication partner. Listen to what the person is not saying as well as to what he or she is saying. Focus intently and listen to the messages conveyed behind and between words.

Listen also with your eyes and heart. Notice facial expressions and body postures, but see beneath the surface of visible behaviors. Feel the range of emotions conveyed by tone of voice and rhythm of speech. Discern what the person wants you to hear and also what they want you to feel.

3. Feel Empathetically

Empathy is the foundation of good two-way communication. Being empathetic is seeing from another person's perspective regardless of your opinion or belief. Treat their mistakes as you would want them to treat your mistakes. Let the individual know that you are concerned with the mistake, and that you still respect them as a person. Share their excitement in times of victory, and offer encouragement in times of difficulty. Genuine feelings of empathy will strengthen the bond of trust.

4. Respond Carefully

Choose emotions and words wisely. Measure your emotions according to the person's moods and needs. Words can build or destroy trust. They differ in shades of meaning, intensity, and impact. What did you learn when listening deeply to the other individual? Reflect your interpretation of the person's message back to them. Validate your understanding of their message.

Compliment the person for the wisdom and insights they've shared with you. This shows appreciation and encourages further dialogs with the individual. A response can be encouraging or discouraging. If you consider in advance the impact of your emotions and words, you will create a positive impact on your relationships.

5. Synchronize Cooperatively

When people synchronize their watches, they insure that their individual actions will occur on time to produce an intended outcome. Relationships require ongoing cooperative action to survive and thrive.

As relationships mature, the needs and values of the individuals and relationship will change. Career relationships will require the flexibility to meet changing schedules and new project goals. Cooperative actions provide synchrony and build trusting alliances. They are part of the give and take that empowers strong, enduring relationships.

6. Act Authentically

Acting authentically means acting with integrity. It means living in harmony with your values. Be yourself when you are with someone else. Drop acts that create false appearances and false security.

When you act authentically, you are honest with yourself and others. You say what you will do, and do what you say. Ask for what you want in all areas of your relationships. Be clear about what you will tolerate. Find out what your relationship partners want also. Being authentic creates mutual trust and respect.

7. Acknowledge Generously

Look for and accentuate the positive qualities in others. Humbly acknowledge the difference that people make to your life. Validate them by expressing your appreciation for their life and their contributions. If you let someone know that they are valuable and special, they will not forget you. Showing gratitude and encouragement by words and actions will strengthen the bonds of any relationship.

Don't forget to acknowledge your most important relationship: the relationship with yourself. Acknowledge your own qualities, and put those qualities into action. You cannot form a stronger relationship with others than you have with yourself. You will attract the qualities in others that are already within you.

Ask yourself: What thoughts and behaviors will attract the kind of relationships I desire? What is one action I could take today that would empower my current relationships?

Write down all the qualities or behaviors that you desire for your relationships. Select the power skills that will attract those qualities. Keep a journal of the actions you take and the progress you make. By turning these skills into lifelong habits, you will build relationships that are healthy, strong and mutually rewarding.

4 tips to help you make others feel more important...!!!

1. Greet everyone you meet with enthusiasm. Have you ever called someone on the telephone - or met them somewhere -- and they greeted you with such energy and enthusiasm that you felt they must truly adore you? A greeting of ardent and genuine enthusiasm sets the tone for your entire encounter. It's such a simple skill (the hardest part is remembering to do it) but if you CAN remember, it will enliven all of your relationships. This skill can be particularly life-changing when practiced with your children. A simple show of enthusiasm and appreciation when a child walks in the room can have a miraculous effect on the relationship.

2. Slow down. Take the time in conversation to really listen. While someone is talking, focus on taking in what he or she is saying in words, tone, and body language instead of thinking about what you are going to say next. Relax and listen before responding. As you practice this form of deep listening, work on identifying the other person's needs. Put your own needs aside during the conversation and focus on determining what *they* need today. Imagine that each encounter is like a brief interlude in what may otherwise be a hectic day. Slow down and savour the connection you can make with another person, even in a casual conversation.

3. Work on remembering the details of past conversations and encounters. Ask about the things they confided to you. How did her business presentation go? How is his ailing father? It's often helpful to make little notes to remind you to ask about something or someone the next time you meet. This simple skill shows people that they are important to you.

4. Appreciate the small things that people do for you and never pass up an opportunity to say thank you. It doesn't have to be anything fancy...a few kind words or even a simple note is plenty. Find simple and small ways to show appreciation and caring to those you love. Maybe it's bringing home take-out when your spouse has been home all day with a sick child. Maybe it's making a quick phone call to your mother. As you go through your day, be thinking of how you can take a step toward recognition and appreciation.

When you make the people around you feel important, you create a climate of trust and mutual appreciation, which can change your life in ways large and small. Try it today.

people will forget what you said ...
people will forget what you did ...
but people will never forget how you made them feel ...

5 Master Qualities of Extraordinary Achievers - :By Lucy Doss

You can be a master achiever by developing the same qualities of those who seem to achieve more than others. Here are 5 qualities you need to master in order to become a successful person in your chosen field and in your life.

Achievers are creative
Creativity is a fundamental quality of a visionary leader. Creativity is also essential for problem-solving, conflict resolution, crisis and change management.

As they are extensively goal and result oriented, achievers need to come up with many solutions to reach their goals; therefore they need to be more creative than others. An effective method for you to be more creative in problem resolution is:

First, sit down in a comfortable chair and think about all the ways to resolve the problem, even if it may be absurd. This is not the time to be critical, but the time to think without any judgment. Come up with at least 20 solutions.

The first eight solutions will be obvious; the second eight solutions will require some effort and therefore creativity. You will see that the last two solutions will be the hardest to find, but the most creative. And they will surely be the ones that you will stick to.

Second, act out in your head the movie of how you would implement each solution. And third, be critical as far as each solution is concerned. This is an effective way to resolve problems used by effective leaders and managers.

Develop the Habit of Courage
They have developed the habit of courage. Courage to wake up earlier and go to bed later. They've developed self-discipline. Self-discipline is astering yourself, your actions, thinking and emotions. They know that in order to become leaders for others, they need to become a leader for themslves first. It takes courage to have self-discipline but it is learnable. They take action even if it is uncomfortable. They go out of their comfort zone, and go for opportunities. Talk about courage!

An effective method to develop the habit of courage is to see opportunities to grow and evolve in every challenge you face. Face your fears and learn from them. There is always a positive intention behind every fear you feel.

Top People are committed to contribute

Finally, they take action. High achievers are result and action-oriented. They are committed to action. As they make precise plan for what they really want, they go for it and are committed to reach the goal. An effective way for you to be committed to action is to set goals. Work every day on these plans and evaluate very week where you are.

Continuous Learning
High achievers are lifelong learners who subscribe to the process of continuous improvement. They view mistakes as learning opportunities. "There is no failure, only feedback" is always their motto. They know they need to improve, take risks, make mistakes and view these mistakes as opportunities to bounce back.

An effective way for you to develop this habit is to first, read each day a book in your chosen field. Second, listen to educational audiotapes in your car and go to seminars given by experts in your field. By doing that, you will be ahead of your competitors and you will become more educated, therefore, you will earn more in your life.

They are Responsible
High achievers know that they are 100% responsible for what's happening to them. They don't blame anybody else. They look themselves in the mirror and say "You can do it, it's only up to you dude!" You have the ability to respond in every situation you find yourself. Your response is up to you.

Creativity, courage, commitment, learning and responsibility are at the heart of every great achievement. Success is not always easy. People may be in your way. You may face discouragement. Problems may appear. But by learning how to be responsible, you will find solutions that others won't think of. You will find the courage to change your life and commit to excellence.

How to Loose A New Employee In 10 Days? - :By Isil Malatyali

Importance of orientation period for gaining employee loyalty:

Have you ever gone to your new job at your first day early in the morning and had to wait for a long time for the person who's going to take care of you? Have you ever had your table or lockers days after your start and/or had to share with others for a long time? Have you ever gone to lunch alone during your first days and been warned by cafeteria attendant since you didn't have any idea about the rules and lost your appetite totally after "who's that" glances. Eventually have you ever decided to think a little before turning right or left to avoid being warned again? And have all these caused a big ache in your stomach everyday just before going to work?

Probably most of us had one of these experiences. If you say "Thanks God I had none" then try to build empathy. With these experiences how could it be easy for you to shake down into your new job and show the performance that was expected during your probation period? How could you serve to the guest successfully?

The most important need of a new employee is to be cared for. We can not expect successful performance from the employees for whom we don't provide enough knowledge and confidence. We can't tell them smile before answering all the questions in their head. Many managers still can not understand why employees who are hired after a very successful interview, with very strong references and credentials can't show the desired performance at the work. The answer sometimes is very simple. Failing in making the newcomer to feel as a part of our family.

A successful orientation period makes the adaptation of the newcomer easy and retention of knowledge will be guaranteed.

Here are some basic but very efficient steps to be taken to facilitate adaptation of the new employee:

1. Ready equipments and workplace:
All needed equipments (desk, locker, uniforms etc) must be ready at the first day of the employee. This is very important detail to gain loyalty and respect of the employee for the new workplace. A newcomer who finds everything ready for him or her feels him/herself important. A step further, some companies are sending or presenting a fresh bouquet of flowers with a welcome note from general manager.

2. Department trainers and work supporter system:
With or without the presence of a training department and standard orientation training, department orientation period is a must. Every department must have at least one department trainer. These employees must be selected carefully among experienced good communicators and have related trainings. Presence of a department trainer is a key element for successful implementation of an orientation program.

3. Assign a Buddy:
Everybody needs some buddy!-especially in a totally new environment. Make it easy for the newcomer and assign somebody who can escort him/her during orientation period and make it easy for the newcomer to get acquainted with other Hotel employees. Buddies (also called as work support godfather, etc.) can be the same person with departmental trainer or any other experienced person assigned by department trainer.

4. Checklists:
Every department (and for some, sub-departments) must have an orientation training checklist. Enough time must be given to cover each topic on the list and after the trainer gets ensured about the comprehension of each one, the trainee must sign each topic to feel the responsibility of accurate practice. The critical point here is that even though checklists keep the orientation program on the right track, the program should not be solely an information giving. Some sharing and trust need to be established between trainer and trainee while covering the checklists.

5. Practice makes perfect:
Without enough practice employee can fail in service and it will take longer for him or her to gain self confidence again. All practices must be done after a complete training with complete explanations of how and whys.

6. Energize first:
Nobody can suggest promising a rose garden for the newcomer. But sharing every negative aspects of the work environment, problems in the company can only de-motivate the employee and will be a self-sabotage for your orientation program. The ultimate aim of the trainer is creating an environment that can motivate the employee to learn and do the best in the new job. This will provide the required energy for him/her to cope with problems later.

7. Meeting with General Manager:
New employees must meet with hotel general manager either before or just after the start. Some general managers prefer to have "a minute interview" with candidates (including rank and file staff and trainees) who are approved by department manager. This creates a great feeling for the new comer ("I had an interview with general manager and won his/her approval too"/"My position is important for the Hotel"). The other option is the participation of GM to the orientation training. Before or after the start, the important point is that meeting with GM is a very strong means of creating "I am being cared for and important" feeling.

The first feelings about new job have a greater impact on the loyalty of the employee than it is usually thought. Gaining guest loyalty is very difficult without gaining employee loyalty and the rule is not different than the one that is for our guests: "The first impression counts"

10 Really Good Reasons to Quit Your Job and Start Your Own Business - By: Michael Katz

It's been five years since I made the decision to leave my corporate job and start my own company. No question about it, leaving nice coworkers, a stable paycheck and 12 years of tenure with one company was the scariest thing I'd ever done. And yet looking back, it was the defining moment not only of my career, but of my personal development as well. The fact is, I am now so enamored of blazing my own trail that I could never go back - I am hopelessly, incurably, unemployable.

As a result, I receive a steady stream of, "Can I buy you a cup of coffee?" invitations - from old colleagues, new friends, complete strangers - anybody who is considering a change, and who wants to know, "Why should I start my own business?" This is what I say:

1.You'll dance to your own music. There's a lot of noise in the corporate world. Not physical noise, but opinions, rules, history and a whole lot of, "that's the way we do it around here," always just an inch or two below the surface. In such a setting it's hard to find your path, or as I like to say, "hear your own music."

Once you're on your own, you'll suddenly begin to hear what's there, and the more you can hear it and have the courage to follow it, the more enjoyable and yes, profitable your life will be. The fact is, there is no right way to live, to act or to grow a business.

2.You'll never have to retire. Retiring is a strange concept to the satisfied, self-employed person. It implies that work is something you want to be done with, something you wish were over. When you truly find your passion however, the concept becomes meaningless. Do painters stop painting? Do musicians stop playing music? Do comedians stop being funny just because they've reached a certain age? Not if they are doing what they truly want to be doing. Sure, you may slow down or change focus as you get older, but the game is never over, since the game and your life will be one.

3.You'll put your money where your mouth is. I never planned to start my own business, and I always secretly believed that I didn't have the guts to be successful on my own. When I look back now, I'm not even sure how I managed to convince myself to leave the perceived safety of living within the protected walls of a large corporation. When I finally jumped however, I was surprised by the number of friends, former co-workers and family who remarked on my "courage." Frankly, I'm not any braver now than I was before, but I know with certainty that I don't need a corporation to take care of me (and neither do you).

4.You'll no longer live in two worlds. I used to be two people: "corporate Michael" and "home life Michael." Corporate Michael was less friendly, less intuitive and a lot less interesting. I found it easy to switch back and forth between the two Michaels, and for a long time it didn't even strike me as odd that I would make decisions at work based on a completely different set of criteria regarding what was fair, what was smart or what was worth doing. That's over - I'm now one person no matter what I do, and I have a more balanced, more humanistic approach to business.

5.You'll know your own power. Swept up in the turmoil of working as part of a corporation, there's a tendency to blame others, wait for others, think that others are making things happen. Working alone you'll realize how much control you actually have (and have always had). That realization will give you the courage and drive to do more things than you ever dreamed of when you saw yourself as an insignificant part of a big machine. You'll have nobody else to blame, and even more importantly, you will see how much credit you really do deserve for everything you've created.

6.You'll be free to walk away. When you first start out on your own, you will probably be grateful for whatever business comes your way. The thought of "walking away" from a client may seem suicidal. It isn't. As your reputation grows, people will approach you, ready to hand you their money and have you begin work. That's terrific. However, in some cases, the fit won't be there - something in your gut will tell you it's a bad match. You will learn that you can say "no thank you" and walk away. Nobody assigns projects or clients or teammates to you anymore. You and only you decide who you work with and on what terms, and if it doesn't feel right you need only say so.

7.You'll make new friends. If you've been with the same company for a long time, you've probably developed several close relationships. You may be afraid that you'll be lonely and isolated out here in the "cold cruel world." Nothing could be further from the truth. Starting your own business gains you immediate entrance into a collegial world of fellow sole proprietors and entrepreneurs, eager to have you along for the ride. We hold meetings, we have events, we meet for lunch, we talk on the phone - we share ideas, support each other and hang out together. Price of admission: a friendly demeanor and a willingness to help other people find their way.

8.You'll pick the players. Wherever you sit in a company, you've got people you interact with every day. Your boss, your direct reports, the head of the legal department, the desktop support guy, the receptionist. Hopefully you like and get along with most of these people, but whether you do or not, you're stuck with each other. When you run your own company on the other hand, you pick who's on the team. You get to choose your attorney, your accountant, your landlord, your printer, your partners, your clients - everybody in your daily life is there because you decided to put them there. You get to choose.

9.You'll have real problems, instead of imaginary ones. In a corporate setting, your happiness and success is dependent upon dozens of intertwined relationships and handed-down decisions, any one of which can change your world in ways you may not anticipate or even understand. With so much out of your control, it's hard not to spend time "What If-ing" and worrying about the future: "What's my boss really think of me? What if I don't get put in charge of that new project? What if they cut my budget next year?" Fear of what might happen can become worse than the situation itself - imaginary problems.

When you're building your own business you're immersed in reality. Sure, you may have days where you worry about paying the mortgage, but you'll be in the game, fighting the good fight, and no longer obsessed with the possibility of being blindsided by an unforeseen shift in the corporate winds.

10.You'll find your purpose. You didn't come here to follow somebody else's vision or sit on the sidelines watching the clock tick away until retirement. But somehow, somewhere along the way, you forgot. Now, after so many years of following the pack, you've come to see work as a place you go to earn enough money to do the things you really want to do. It doesn't have to be that way. Working on your own will give you the freedom and focus to find the exhilarating, balanced, self-directed career you've always dreamed of.

One of my favorite quotes is from the book, The Artist's Way, and I've had it taped to the top of my computer monitor for the last five years: "Leap, and the net will appear." Go ahead, I'll be waiting for you.

About the Author

Michael J. Katz is Founder and Chief Penguin of Blue Penguin Development, Inc., (
a Boston consulting firm that helps clients increase sales by showing them how to nurture their existing relationships, and that specializes in the development of electronic newsletters.


If you are looking for a new job, it might be impossible for you to know about all the available opportunities. A recruiter researches on the industry and identifies openings that will match your interest and goals.

A professional search consultant does a complete background study of the hiring organisation. They will spend quality time analysing your goals and identify opportunities on the same lines.

A good professional search consultant has the ability to get you access to suitable employers. A good consultant has “credibility” which, in this business, means that
(1) they only present candidates to organisations fitting the firm’s requirements,
(2) they only present candidates to firms that in fact have positions,
(3) they only present candidates who are genuinely interested in working in that organisation and
(4) have good reasons for wanting to do so.
When a professional search consultant presents a resume, the firm knows the recruit is serious. A professional consultant will sell your abilities and background to the right people in the organisation you are contemplating even before the organisation sees your resume.

A professional consultant will prepare your resume, if necessary. The job market has become so competitive that if your resume has to get noticed, then it needs to show that you are a good fit for the particular job you are being hired for.
The resume will be written keeping the industry needs and also according to the experience you hold. Though a professional fees is charged, it is recommended if you are looking for a job overseas.

These consultants also ensure that your confidentiality is kept intact. If you have sent your resume through the proper channel, firms also do not delve into the candidate’s confidentiality because the organisations know that the recruitment firm will recommend good talents to them.

A professional consultant will take time to understand where you want your career to be. Once the firm identifies your goals, they will start looking for the best possible opportunities. A good consultant will help move your career forward by placing you in an organisation that fits your future goals.

Many a recruitment firm apart from helping the candidate in writing resumes, also grooms them to give the perfect interview. They will let you know of the expected questions and also prepare you for the unanticipated.

8. Assist you in salary negotiations
Many a times, recruitment firms also handle the salary negotiation part for you. If they feel that you are the perfect candidate for a particular job profile, recruitment firms themselves take interest get you a good package.

Normally, after every interview your job consultant will call and enquire about how the experience was. At times, if the interview has been stressful, people in these firms will ensure that psychologically you are ready for the next interview.

HR Consultant @ Ahmedabad

A A A+ Fastwhite Fin.Cons.
J H Shah
404 Sarap, Opp Navjivan Press
Ashram Road

Absolute Consultants P Ltd
33 2nd Floor Swastik Chambers, Nr Navjivan Press Rd

Aditya Consultants
Arunray Bhatt
Aditya 18 Subhada Colony, Opp Kapidhwaj Bunglow
Jodhpur X Road

Advance Technology Centre
401chitrarath Cplx, C G Road

Apex Consultants
B S Prajapati
306 Kalash-Ii,Nr. Jain Temple, B/H Post Off

Arrow Recruitment Cons Pvt Ltd
Arifbhai Kazi
5 5th Floor Rangolee Complex, Opp V S Hospital

Atn Placement Consultant
Sanjiv Saxena
4 J L Complex, Jawahar Complex Char Rasta

Brahmbhatt Business Council
I P Brahmbhat
302,Shreyas Compx, B/S Dinesh Hall,B/H Income Tax
Ashram Road

Break-Thru Consultants
Rajeshbhai Gopani
6 Suparshwa Complex, Opp Panchsheel Bus Stop

Careers Placement Consultancy
Madhu Deshpande
704, Loha Bhuvan, High Court Lane
Income Tax

Carrier Design Manpower Consul
Manish Agarwal
340 Anand Cloth Market 3rd Flr,

Connections Placement Consultancy
Sanjay Bhatia
303, 3rd Flr Shaily House, Higa Court Rly Crossing

Cyber Soft Computer Institute
Jaihind Char Rasta, Pramukh Palace

Dart Consultants
Nabajeet Roy
D-91 Shikhar Apartment, Nr Shyamal Cross Road

Deeje Infotech Placement Serv
Rekha Jai
A8 Satya Triveni, Opp Karnavati Club

Dhruv Conseling Service
Chetan Parikh
Above Nilesh Aypo, Opp Electricity House
Relief Road

Excell Manpower Resources Pvt.Ltd.
Anil Augustine
A-4/11, Goyal Intercity, 1st Floor
Drive In Road

Fanal Security and Allied Services
Devendra Astodaria
2nd Floor Asia House, Swastik Char Rasta

Fine Consult Service
Bharat Shah
6 Rainbow Compx 1st Floor, Nr.Highcourt Rly.Crossing

603,6th Flr Abhijeet Ii, Nr Mithakhali 6 Rd

Iis Advance Technology Centre
Manoj Vadodaria
401 Chitrarath, Opp Hotel President
Off C G Road

Innovative Consultants
A-20 Shri Krishna Centre, Nr. Mithakhali Six Roads

Innovative Management Consulta
G R Bhatt
603 Fairdeal House, Swastik Char Rasta

International Centre-ICECD
Hina Shah
E-1/41 Sterling City,

J S Projects and Fiscal Services
Jitendra / Pradip Shah
A-405 Samudra, Nr Klassic Gold Hotel,C G Rd

Jigar Dilipbhai Doshi
Jigar Doshi
A/3 Upasana Flat, Nehru Park

Jps Marketing and Management Ser
J P Sanghani
103 Sahajanand Complex,
Shahibaug Rd,

Klassic Consultants
Kavita Patel
706/A Fairdeal House, Swastik Four Road,C G Rd

M D Management Services
Jayprakash Brahmbhatt
301, Amulya Building, Opp Central Bank Ambawadi

M P S Group
Madan P Joshi
15 1st Flr Sarvodaya Est, Opp Mony Hotel

Mahalaxmi Computers
Pankaj Raval
Inside Raipur Gate,

Manpower Placement Agency
Ayaz Kadri
9/B Capital Comm Centre,
Ashram Road,

My Family (Network Counsellor)
Niranjan Buch
B-2 Shreydarshan, Jawaharnagar Society,Bhattha

Nitin K Shah and Co
Nitin K Shah
36 and 38 Empire Towers, 3rd Flr, C G Rd

Oman Consultants Private Limit
1 Suvarmanagar Soc, Nr St Xaviers School

Pinnacle I A R C
3/A Basement, Ellisbridge, Shpg Centre Opp Town Hall
Ashram Road

Placement Point
Kumar Narsinghani
206 Om Towers, Opp Bidiwalas Park
Satellite Road

Planet Earth Enterprises
Rohit Swarup
903 Saffron,

Preeminent Consultant
Sheela Jennifer
Grd Flr Trupti Apt, B/H High Court

R B Havsar
R B Bhavsar
Patidar Bhuvan, B/S Police Station

Reliance Textile and Training Services
304 Nirman House, B/H Times Of India
Ashram Road

Richefn Placement Service
Kalpesh A Shah
303 Palak Complex, Nr C U Shah College Income Tax
Ashram Road

Roy Communicate
B I Upadhyaya
B/13 Puja Flats,
Gulbai Tekra,

Ruchika Consultancy
Raju Chawla
B-711, Fairdeal House, Swastik Char Rasta

S S Consultants
Shagun S Sutaria
508,5th Floor,Sakar- V, B/H Natraj Cinema
Ashram Road

S.T.Shah and Company
Sanjay Maniar
301 Lalitha Complex, Nr Jain Temple,

Satyam Consultancy Services
Mr Tulsidas
F/20 First Floor Vijay Complex, Nr Vasna Bus Stop

Shalaka Management Services
Shyam Menon
310 University Plaza, Near Rasranjan, Nr Vijay X Rd

Nirali Jasani
5 Divya Complex, Near Mithakhali Underbridge

Shree Hari Institute Of Educ
Ashish Jha
304 Anand Mangal Iii, Opp Core House
Parimal Garden

Star Express
B S Sethi
144/B Sardarnagar, Opp Talawadi Cross Rd

Suresh B Walia
Suresh Walia
10 Srinathpark Soc, Umiyavijay
Satellite Rd

Swift Placements
Punit Sood
1 Someshwar Complex-Ii, Nr Jodhpur Cross Road
Satellite Road

Task Placemark Consultants Pvt.Ltd.
101/102 Shyamak Complex, Opp Sahjanand College

The Man Hunt
Gira P Joshi
6,Mehta Apartment, Nr Pankaj Society,Bhattha

Top Rank Consultants
Richard Bowen
27-A Maharastra Society, Lions Hall Road,Mithakhali

Uday Sapre
(Uday) D S Sapre
Sanjay Apt., Opp. Sitabaug

United Consultants
B505 Nirman Comp., Opp.Havmor Restaurant

United Placement Consultants P.Ltd
Nisha Kapoor
110 Sampanna Complex, Nr Navrangpura Bus Stop

Universal Enterprise
H K Rajput
A/905 Fairdeal House, Near Swastik Char Rasta

Upman Placements
Anup Joardar
106 Ashman, Kalpana Society, B/H Ganesh Plaza

Vijayant Consultant
Bharat J Mehta
603 Sears Tower, Nr Panchvati
Gulbai Tekra

Vijayant Consultants
41-A Thakorebaug Annexe, B/H Shilp
C G Road

Webastrologer Com
Binit Joshi
7/A 8th Flr, Sumeru Complex, Nr Parimal Crossing

Absolute Placement Services
Mr. Madhu Patel
66-Ff,Suryakiran Complex, Opp. Avishkar, Op Road

Athena Consulting and Outsourcing.
Mr Ravi Mehta
41,Dhairyavir, 8th Road, Juhu

Career Avenes
4 Sarkar Corner Veera Desai Rd, Andheri W

Monday, December 11, 2006

Etiquette Of A Gentleman

One only needs to take a quick glance around to notice that there are very few true gentlemen remaining among us. In times past, a gentleman was much appreciated and being gentlemanly was a noble thing.

Alas, things have changed in today's society; some for the better and some for the worse. One thing that particularly irks me is the lack of good taste and etiquette most guys are guilty of at the turn of this new millennium. I'm not saying that men should act like robots and be slaves to etiquette, but some basic good manners will go a long way in helping you during your ascent to the top. What I've done is compile a quick list of tips that will help turn even the most blundering fool into a proper gentleman. Follow these simple tips and I can assure you that people will perceive you as a man of good breeding and taste, hence a man they wish to associate and conduct business with. Not to mention the fact that the ladies are always quite pleased to meet a real gentleman. General Etiquette

Always be polite
Even if you don't like someone, there is no need to lower yourself to their level. Be polite and courteous; show that you're the better man.

Do not curse
Swearing is a big no-no. It shows that you don't have the vocabulary to express your thoughts appropriately. Furthermore, it is always very crude and impolite to be vulgar.

Do not speak loudly
When you speak loudly, it raises the stress level among company. It always implies that you can't reason with people and rely on "brute force" to get your point across. It also draws attention -- negative attention.

Do not lose your temper
When you lose your temper, you are showing everyone that you can't control your emotions. If you can't even control yourself, then how can you possibly control anything else? Keep your cool at all times (it won't be easy but it is worth the effort) and people will take positive note of your levelheadedness.

Do not stare
Ogling someone is the equivalent of psychological aggression. You don't want to intimidate people for no reason.

Do not interrupt
Let people finish what they are saying before adding your comments. Interrupting others is a sign of poor etiquette and a lack of social skills. If you want to come across as egotistical, you can do so by constantly interrupting.

Do not spit
A lot of men do this almost subconsciously. Spitting is very crude and not too pretty to look at. Do not spit in public unless you want to look like you were raised in a sewer.

Respect your elders
In fact, you should respect others as you would like them to respect you. I am specifying elders because it seems that today, young men think they know it all. Well, they don't. Just think of yourself five years ago... you're much smarter and experienced today, aren't you? Of course, yet you thought you knew it all five years ago.

Do not laugh at others' mistakes
This is perhaps one of the cruelest things one can do. When you mess up, the last thing you want is for someone not only to bring it to your attention, but to ridicule you on top of that.

Remove your hat indoors
This rule seems to have gone out the window these days. You should remove your headwear upon entering a building. Furthermore, never keep your hat on while at the dinner table. It reflects very poor etiquette.

Wait for seating before eating
When sitting down for a meal, you should wait until all the guests are properly seated and ready to commence the meal before eating. Everyone should start dining at the same time; this is a subtle but very important rule.

the basics of chivalry
In addition to the aforementioned rules, gentlemen (in training) should follow these additional rules when in the presence of a lady. Chivalry may be on life support, but it is not dead yet. Be one of the few to keep this flame burning for many years to come.

Help with her seat
If an unaccompanied lady is sitting next to you, it is important that you help her be seated by pulling her chair out for her and gently pushing it back into place, with the lady seated of course.

Give up your seat
If a lady arrives at the table and there are no available seats, you should stand up and offer yours to her.

Ask if she needs anything
This is one that most guys already do, but helps complete the gentleman in all of us nevertheless. When at social events, make sure to ask the lady if you can get her something to drink (or eat, depending on the event). Show her that you care about her comfort and needs.
Gentlemen, if I may call you that, these are the rules of etiquette you should observe in everyday life. Elevate yourself above the rabble and display the mannerisms of a true gentleman. The world will appreciate such a rarity and your career will most definitely benefit from your good manners and savoir-faire .